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Scholarships and financial support

Obtaining a scholarship and confirming financial support are key elements in the success of graduate studies. Several scholarship programs are available to students and funding possibilities are varied. The Faculty supports you in researching and preparing your scholarship applications.

Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Student Success Scholarships

Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Student Success Scholarships provide financial support throughout your graduate studies

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Merit scholarships from granting agencies

Federal and provincial granting agencies support and encourage research training and offer a variety of graduate scholarship and postdoctoral fellowship programs to help train a new generation of researchers.

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Other sources of funding

Many other scholarship and financial aid programs are available to graduate students, and it may be possible to combine several sources of funding. The Student Awards and Financial Aid Office will inform, support, and assist you.

The FESP's Student Initiatives Financial Support Program (in French only) is designed to support initiatives that benefit the graduate and postdoctoral community at Université Laval. Grants range from $100 to $500. 

In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English texts, the French version prevails.

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