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Writing retreats bring together students from all disciplines in the stage of writing a thesis, dissertation, article, or research proposal or working on corrections to an existing text. The purpose of the retreats is to strengthen students' sense of purpose, progress, confidence, and enjoyment in writing.

Pre-retreat presentations

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers webcasts prior to Et si on rédigeait! writing retreats

These webcasts cover a variety of topics of interest to students who are in the process of writing their thesis or dissertation. 

Visit the Webcasts  (in French only, translated subtitles available with YouTube) page to find out about upcoming talks and to register. A recording of the past conferences is also available.

Preparing your writing retreat, a key for success

In order to make this writing retreat a success, it is suggested that the participants:

  • Define in advance a writing objective to be achieved in one day, if possible, with the support of their resaerch director
  • Identify the ideas to develop
  • Draw a structure, a framework (even temporaray) of their ideas
  • Carry out the necessray readings related to the ideas to be developed
  • Target relevant quotes, if they are necessary for writing
  • Identify notes and bibliographical references
  • Prepare illustrations (graphs, diagrams, sketches, etc.) and tables, if they are necessary for the writing
  • Organise information (collected data, results and their analysis) if applicable

Resources and tools to write well

List of periodicals that accept publications : AELIÉS, in collaboration with the Université Laval's Library, has developed the first list of periodicals that accept publications in French and other languages. The peridodicals are classified by fiels of study. This list helps to know where to publish and what is already published.

« 3 jours pour rédiger » de la FESP

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP)organizes a 3-day writing retreat, « 3 jours pour rédiger » de la FESP.

46 graduate students in the process of writing attended the first edition in March 2023 in the Centre de Spiritualité des Ursulines in Québec. Participants really enjoyed the experience. 100% of the post-event survey respondent would recommend the writing retreat and would renew it.

Learn more.

Visit the Events page on the FESP website (in French only) to learn more about  coming retreats.

Writing retreats "Et si on rédigeait!"

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP), the graduate student association (AELIÉS) and the library offer one-day writing retreats called Et si on rédigeait!  

These retreats bring together students from all disciplines who are in the process of writing a thesis, dissertation, article, or research proposal or working on corrections to an existing text. The purpose of the retreats is to strengthen students’ sense of purpose, progress, confidence, and enjoyment in writing. Participation is free.

For upcoming retreat dates, visit the AELIES website  or the Events page on the FESP website (in French only).

Writing retreats organised by faculties and Université Laval student associations

The faculties and student associations sometimes organise writing retreats.

Those of which FESP is aware are posted on the Events page.

You organize a writing retreat? Contact us at

Other writing retreats outside Université Laval

Among others, Thèsez-vous  offers their members many activities to ease the writing process.

In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English texts, the French version prevails.