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Co-supervisor accreditation

Co-supervisor accreditation ensures that the person supervising a graduate student has the necessary qualifications and availability.

You may apply for accreditation to co-supervise a graduate student provided you first obtain adjunct professor status at Université Laval.

See the Co-Supervision Accreditation Policy for Adjunct Professors (PDF, 100 Ko, in French only) for more on the purpose and conditions of accreditation.

A person from outside Université Laval may be authorized to co-supervise a graduate student’s research under certain conditions. Individuals who are not Université Laval professors or retired professors may obtain adjunct professor status and subsequently be entitled to co-supervise a graduate student’s research project.

Adjunct professor status

Adjunct professor status is granted by the Office of the Vice Rector, Human Resources (VRRH) on the recommendation of the faculty council of the home unit.

The granting of adjunct professor status does not automatically authorize you to co-supervise graduate students, but it does allow you to apply.

Apply for adjunct professor status

To apply for adjunct professor status, send an application to the faculty assembly of the unit in question including:

  • A description of the tasks you wish to perform
  • Proof that you have the necessary skills
  • If you are also applying to be a co-supervisor, the program name and the name of the student you wish to supervise

Adjunct professor status is valid for 3 years and can be renewed.

Retired professor

As a retired professor of Université Laval, you may continue supervising or co-supervising the students you were working with at the time of your retirement. You will be granted adjunct professor status by VRRH in order to complete the supervision of your students.

However, you must apply for co-supervisor accreditation to co-supervise any new students.

Apply for co-supervisor accreditation

Co-supervisor accreditation is granted by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP) to persons with adjunct professor status and to retired Université Laval professors who request it.

To apply for accreditation, send the following documents to the program director of the student you wish to co-supervise:

  • Duly completed application for co-supervisor accreditation
  • Curriculum vitae outlining your academic training, work experience, and research and supervisory activities over the past 5 years

You will be granted accreditation once your application has been checked for compliance, approved by the faculty assembly of the unit you will be attached to, and reviewed by the FESP.

Co-supervisor accreditation is valid for 3 years and can be renewed.

Application form (PDF)


Adjunct professor status and co-supervisor accreditation are valid for 3 years and can be renewed.

To apply for renewal, follow the same steps as for the initial application.