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Mandate and services

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies provides institutional leadership in all matters related to graduate studies. It monitors international trends in higher education and proposes development goals and priorities that will allow the University to consolidate its position among the leading research universities in Canada. It also provides University faculties with ongoing support for their graduate programs and academic activities.

Main areas of responsibility

Monitor the quality of student supervision

  • Contribute to student progress monitoring
  • Manage the evaluation of theses and dissertations
  • Help draft academic regulations
  • Develop and promote the graduate student supervision policy (Politique d’encadrement des étudiants à la maîtrise avec mémoire et au doctorat) 
  • Help enforce student research ethics policies
  • Organize workshops for faculty members who supervise graduate students
  • Develop research supervision guides
  • Develop graduate studies guides
  • Accredit adjunct teaching staff for co-supervision

Oversee program coordination

  • Help develop and implement regulations and policies
  • Manage relations between programs (non-competition, complementarity, etc.)
  • Promote interdisciplinarity and support interdisciplinary programs
  • Support programs subject to inter-university agreements
  • Provide training and support for program directors
  • Administer custom graduate programs
  • Develop and administer complementary professional skills development activities

Services and other forms of support

The Faculty also provides support services to students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty members, and program directors, helps draft agreements, and represents the University on various committees and councils.  

Support for postdoctoral fellows

  • Support postdoctoral fellows in their efforts to acquire specialized expertise in their field of research
  • Implement the Hosting and Supervision Policy for Postdoctoral Fellows (Politique d’accueil et d’encadrement des stagiaires postdoctoraux) 

Dispute settlement

  • Help deal with and follow up on consultation requests, reports, and complaints from students, faculty members, and program directors

Support for success funding

  • Manage the Student Success Scholarships program for graduate students
  • Supervise the screening and selection committees for various scholarship competitions

Admission, registration, and graduation

  • Collaborate with the Registrar’s Office, the Secretary General’s Office, and Financial Services on all matters related to graduate admissions, registration, and graduation
  • Publish and distribute the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Honour Roll
  • Participate in the annual convocation ceremonies
  • Collaborate in the selection and awarding of prizes and distinctions

International agreements

  • Develop, sign, and administer doctoral cotutelle agreements
  • Apply educational specifications for joint degree programs and International Profile agreements
  • Provide support to faculties, program directors, faculty members, and students

Internal relations

  • Participate as a member of the University Council, the Academic Board, and the Research Board
  • Participate in the main issue tables (academics, student recruitment, support for success) and in numerous committees and working groups

External relations 

  • Represent the University with various organizations, including major granting agencies
  • Sit as a member of the main graduate faculty associations (Association des doyens des études supérieures au Québec, Canadian Association for Graduate Studies)