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A Master's or Doctoral thesis contains several sections. This page contains information about each of them.

Master's or Doctoral thesis abstracts

Your Master's or Doctoral thesis must contain an abstract in French.

  • Master's thesis abstract: 300 words maximum
  • Doctoral thesis abstract: 700 words maximum

For greater visibility in international databases, it is recommended that you also include an English abstract.

Each abstract must be on a separate page.

The English abstract must follow the French one.

Table of contents

The table of contents should be generated automatically using your word processing software.

It must include:

  • The front matter (abstracts, dedications, acknowledgements, preface, etc.)
  • The titles of the body sections
  • The list of tables
  • The list of diagrams
  • The list of figures
  • The list of abbreviations and acronyms, etc.


A preface is mandatory for theses and dissertations that include articles.

The preface must contain information on:

  • The publication status of included articles (dates of submission, acceptance, or publication)
  • Differences or changes between the article included in the thesis or dissertation and the published version
  • Your author status (first or not)
  • Your exact role in the preparation of each article
  • The coauthors of each article

Body of the thesis or dissertation

Each of the sections (introduction, chapter, conclusion) in the body of the Master's or Doctoral thesis must start on a new page.


The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies does not have a prescribed bibliographic style. You should choose a style based on the standards in your field of study.

Included papers

There are certain special rules to follow when including papers.

See the presentation rules for including papers

In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English texts, the French version prevails.