Feed-Protect-Care collaborative platform
Université Laval is pleased to join the international initiative of the Feed-Protect-Care global collaborative PhD platform.
Are you interested in the topic of sustainable food systems?
Do you demonstrate a commitment to sustainability?
Would you like to become part of an international research network and develop your scientific leadership on the subject?
Arising from a North-South collaboration between the University of Montpellier, the University of Pretoria, and a consortium of partner universities, including Université Laval, this collaborative platform aims to connect and support the next generation of scientists interested in the development of sustainable food systems.
The objective of Feed-Protect-Care Global Collaborative PhD Platform is to create a unique and innovative space to investigate the interconnected societal challenges of feeding on one hand, and caring for and protecting people, places, and the planet on the other hand.
Cohort 2025 - Call for applications
Applications are now open for the second cohort to recruit two more students for the next international school. It will be held in Pretoria, South Africa, in May 2025.
Theme explored
How food systems can play a crucial role in improving public health outcomes, particularly for the most at-risk populations, and in preventing the rise of chronic diseases globally?
Candidate profile
- The doctoral student's research project is related to various aspects of sustainable food systems.
- Projects may come from diverse backgrounds, e.g. food science, agro-economics, nutrition, food engineering, agronomy, law, administration, political science, public health, and more.This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
- The successful candidate will demonstrate a strong commitment to and interest in sustainable development and transdisciplinarity.
- The international platform's programming is offered entirely in English. Fluency in English is therefore essential.
- The selected candidate is available to participate in the platform for a period of two to three years.
- People with parental responsibilities are encouraged to participate. Childcare is provided during training sessions.
- FESP invites the academic community to propose diverse candidate profiles and seeks to prioritize an inclusive approach to academic excellence in the selection process.
Participation conditions
The student must already be enrolled in a PhD program at Université Laval and completed at least one year of study.
Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the platform. A $2,000 scholarship is also offered by the FESP.
Anyone interested in submitting an application must send it to the FESP by e-mail at sanae.benkaraache@fesp.ulaval.ca no later than 5pm on January 29, 2025 (extended date).
The application must include:
- A letter of motivation (one-page maximum) outlining one's interest in joining an international research network on the development of sustainable food systems;
- A summary of the candidate’s PhD research project (one-page maximum);
- Research supervisor’s confirmation of the relevance of the student’s PhD topic to the Platform’s theme, as well as the financial capacity to carry out the research project. This confirmation can be provided in the form of a letter or by email;
- Proof of English proficiency (e.g., proof of successful completion of an advanced English course, result of an English language test).
For further information, please contact Sanae Benkaraache: sanae.benkaraache@fesp.ulaval.ca
In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English texts, the French version prevails. classement.
Important dates
- Deadline for applications: January 29, 2025 at 5 p.m. (extended date)
- Announcement of selected candidates: February 2025
- May 2025: PhD Field School in Pretoria, South Africa
For further information, please contact Sanae Benkaraache: sanae.benkaraache@fesp.ulaval.ca
Cohort 2024 – First international PhD Field School in Montpellier
Ariane Barrette, an inter-university doctoral student in oceanography, and Ana Maria Quiroga-Arcila, a doctoral student in plant biology, are the two Université Laval students invited to take part in the activities of the Feed-Protect-Care collaborative platform.
Working with researchers from such diverse backgrounds was a real masterclass in interdisciplinary collaboration.
Theme explored
Developing sustainable food systems
«Taking part in the Platform's Field School gave me a great insight into the benefits of multidisciplinary science and how to make the most of it in the future. One of the highlights was the creation of a close-knit community, which gave us the opportunity to forge lasting bonds that are still present today, and to continue working together even after the school ended.»
Ana Maria Quiroga-Arcila, doctoral student in plant biology
«Taking part in this international Platform's Field School was a very enriching and encouraging experience. This platform paves the way for the creation of a new scientific community, where cultural and disciplinary richness is crucial. The Platform's Field School invited us to get out of the classroom and beyond our comfort zone as young scientists.»
Ariane Barrette, inter-university doctoral student in oceanography
The Platform's Field School offers an annual program of international activities, training and events, including the first international PhD Field School in Montpellier, France, in March 2024.
During the first week, theoretical lectures on sustainable food systems and practical field visits immersed participants in the day-to-day challenges of local farmers, city policymakers and Montpellier food stores. This immersive experience enabled them to connect theory with real-world applications, and to come into contact with various (local) stakeholders.
During the second week, doctoral students actively participated in the Journées mondiales de Montpellier, an international event aimed at bridging the gap between science and policy-making. How can research have an impact on the policy-making process, and vice versa? Researchers, (youth) organizations and policy-makers from all over the world attended the conference to discuss how to link science and policy in the future.
The second PhD Field School took place in December 2024 at the School of Agriculture of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English texts, the French version prevails.